India Articles

Photos from India's Kumbh Mela
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The Kumbh Mela in Photos: Postcards From India’s Greatest Gathering

The Kumbh Mela is the largest, and one of the most spiritual, events globally. Enjoy these photos and facts for an introductory insight.
Cremations Varanasi
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Cremations and Celebrations: One Day in Varanasi, India’s Holiest City

Varanasi is a city unlike any other. From the sunrise ceremonies on the Ghats until the incredible celebrations after sunset, this is one of India's most unforgettable destinations
Taj Mahal
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The Taj Mahal in Photos: Postcards From India’s Magnificent Mausoleum

Visiting the Taj Mahal was truly a dream come true. To be face-to-face with its intricate details is awe-inspiring.
Lucknow Mosque
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One Day in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh’s Criminally Overlooked Capital

My one day in Lucknow was completely unexpected but determined to make the most of the flying visit, I crammed a lot into my short time in Uttar Pradesh.
Kumbh Mela Aarti
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Attending the worlds largest spiritual gathering: The Prayagraj Kumbh Mela

Unlike anything I have ever witnessed, The Prayagraj Kumbh Mela was a unique experience to attend. Here is the story of how my short time was spent.